Publication abstract -

Working Title - How does accessibility-first approach fit into the context of social movements?

As a designer, I recognize the significance of designing systems that cater to users with diverse physical and cognitive abilities. Adopting an accessibility-first approach should be a core consideration for all designers, ensuring inclusivity and equity. Based on my experience in developing a 3D and tactile interface for visually impaired children to learn about human anatomy and physiology, I would like to address the assumptions and findings encountered during the design process. This approach not only promotes accessibility but also leads to better design outcomes for everyone. Additionally, I aim to explore how accessibility can contribute to creating more inclusive social movements that benefit marginalized communities. By highlighting the impact of simple yet effective interventions, we can encourage a shift towards an accessibility-first mindset. Ultimately, it is imperative for designers to prioritize accessibility and uphold their responsibility to create adaptive and accessible products through design and technology.